Dollar-Millionen im
Jahrestakt verdienen die Nachkommen von NRHA Hall Of Fame-Hengst
“Gunner” (AQHA Colonels Smoking Gun, APHA Colonels
Am 2. Mai 2014 wird der Hengst zum NRHA Six Million Dollar Sire
gekürt , am 1.
April 2015 NRHA Seven Million Dollar Earner, Mitte März
2016 wird er Eight Million Dollar Sire, 2017 NRHA Nine Million
Dollar Sire - in diesem Jahr stieg er in den Olymp auf, als NRHA
12 Million Dollar Sire neben nach Topsail Whiz.
Nach dem Gewinn der NRHA Open Futurity 2020 von All Bettss Are
Off (Gunner x Wimpys Little Chic) unter dem Sattel von Andrea
Fappani ist Gunner nun NRHA All-Time Leading Sire und NRHA Leading
Sire 2020. Sieben Jahre nach seinem Tod, aufgrund einer Hufrehe
musste Gunner eingeschläfert werden, haben seine Nachkommen
über 12,6 Mio. USD auf NRHA-Turnieren gewonnen.

Gunners Show Record:
- 1996 NRHA Futurity Level 4 Open Reserve Champion - Clint Haverty
- 1997 NRHA Derby Level 4 Non Pro finalist - Kim Sloan
- 1998 NRBC Level 4 Open Reserve Champion - Clint Haverty
- 1998 NRHA Derby Level 4 Open finalist - Clint Haverty
- 2001 USET Festival Of Champions National Reining Champion -
Bryant Pace
Zu den erfolgreichen Nachkommen gehören:
- Tinker With Guns (Gunner x Tinker Nic by Reminic): $336,200
NRHA LTE, bred by NRHA Million Dollar Owner Rancho Oso Rio, LLC
and owned by the Tinker With Guns Partnership (which is currently
being purchased by NRHA Corporate Partner Silver Spurs Equine).
Awards include: 2009 NRHA Futurity Level 4 Open finalist; 2011
NRHA Derby Level 4 Open Champion and NRBC Level 4 Open finalist;
and 2012 NRHA Derby and NRBC Level 4 Open Reserve Champion.
- Americasnextgunmodel (Gunner x Cee Dun It Do It by NRHA Six
Million Dollar Sire Hollywood Dun It): $223,900 NRHA LTE, bred
by NRHA Million Dollar Owner David Silva, Sr. and owned by NRHA
Million Dollar Owner Arcese Quarter Horses USA. Awards include:
2012 High Roller Reining Classic Futurity Level 4 Open Champion;
2012 NRHA Futurity Level 4 Open Champion; and 2013 NRBC Level
4 Open third place.
- Gunners Special Nite (Gunner x Mifs Doll by Mifilena): $219,700
NRHA LTE, bred by Kim and Debra Sloan and owned by Turnabout Farm,
Inc. The first reining horse to be honored with the USEF Horse
of the Year award. Other awards include: 2007 NRHA Futurity Level
3 Open Champion and Level 4 Open Reserve Champion; 2008 and 2009
NRHA Derby Level 4 Open finalist; 2009 and 2010 NRBC Level 4 Open
finalist; and 2010 Alltech® FEI World Equestrian Games™
Individual and Team Gold Medalist.
- Gunnatrashya (Gunner x Natrasha by NRHA Hall of Fame inductee
Trashadeous): $218,000 NRHA LTE, bred by Katarina Dorminy and
owned by NRHA Million Dollar Owner Arcese Quarter Horses U.S.A.
Awards include: 2009 NRHA Futurity Level 4 Open Champion and All
American Quarter Horse Congress Reining Futurity Level 4 Open
Champion; 2010 NRHA Derby Level 4 Open Champion, and 2012 NRHA
Futurity Open finalist.
- Gunners Tinseltown (Gunner x Miss Tinseltown by Great Red Pine):
$152,900 NRHA LTE, bred and owned by NRHA Million Dollar Owner
David Silva, Sr. Awards include: 2012 NRHA Futurity Level 4 Open
Reserve Champion and Prime Time Open Champion.
- Always Gotyer Gunsup (Gunner x Always A Dunit by NRHA Six Million
Dollar Sire Hollywood Dun It): $152,400 NRHA LTE, bred by Trinity
Compress Real Estate Co. and owned by McQuay Stables, Inc. Awards
Include: 2010 NRHA Futurity Level 4 Open finalist and Prime Time
Open Champion; 2012 NRBC Level 4 Non Pro Champion; 2012 NRHA Derby
Level 4 Non Pro Reserve Champion; and 2013 NRBC Level 4 Non Pro
Reserve Champion.