25. Mai: 2019 IRHA-NRHA
Derby Open Final
The 2019 IRHA/NRHA Derby showcased some really nice reining:
as the bar was raised both the thrills and technical prowess gradually
increased to an extent uncommonly seen in recent times. There
were 47 at the starting blocks, with many showing determination,
skill and dedication. There was a sudden surge in scores after
Gennaro Lendi passed the “Gate of Champions” riding Anna Parodi's
Arc Step Above: from Dominik Reminder and Call Me Voodoo’s (owner
Elisabetta Zoccarato) clean run marking a 219.5 to a rip-roaring
223.5. From that moment, the suspense was palpable with almost
every competitor, and there were another 10 to the end of the
final, all attempting the impossible. For example, the great Ann
Fonck, who still had two bullets in the barrel among the last
“ten”, rode Brigitte Steiner's Spook N Ruffles to a 222.5. Mirko
Midili, fresh from the NRHA European Open Championship title,
here aboard Whiz Wild West, the “heroic horse” that in the space
of a few days ran in four demanding rounds of this Derby, taking
owner Edoardo Bernardelli to the top of the Non Pro Level 3 and
Reserve Champion Level 4 and running a risk-filled Open qualifier,
still had the energy to take Mirko to a great third place with
a 223 on a tie with Nico Sicuro and Sugar Little Step. Yes! That
Sugar Little Step, the beautiful palomino stallion owned by Quarter
Dream who along with Gennaro Lendi had travelled to the Oklahoma
NRHA Derby to gain his place in the sun. Then in he came: just
23 years old, directly from Poland which, though bolstered by
the excellence of the Roleski Ranch, is not yet one of reining’s
leading nations. Yet Lukasz Czechowicz, already co-go-round leader
Level 4 along with Ann Fonck and Gunners Specialolena, and previously
among the protagonists of the Big Futurity last December, pulled
out all the stops with CSG Magnifique Gun to produce a breathtaking
run and achieve a 225. And the podium. As he exited the arena
Lukaszremoved his hat and waved in response to the massive applause
from the stands. Minutes after completing pattern 12 and capturing
the Level 4 Championship, Lukasz laughingly said he would have
to watch the video to see his performance on the 6-year-old CSG
Magnifique Gun, as it was all a blur: “For me, it’s a dream come
true. This is what I wished for as a boy and even when I arrived
here [in Cremona] I was not really expecting this outcome.” This
was a run that left many here thinking ‘Wow! That’s how I’d like
to spin’! “He always spins well” commentedCzechowicz, “but tonight
he was unbelievable”. Following the qualifier, the 23-year-old
Polish professional chose to keep the stallion relaxed: “The only
risk was that he would try too much on the turnaround, so I just
wanted to slow him down”. The horse is owned by Katarzyna Roleska
and was sired by the Roleski Ranch’s lead stallion Colonels Shining
Gun out of Im Magnifique (by Magnum Chic Dream). The Roleski Ranch
is also where Czechowicz developed and matured his reining ability:
he has been trainer there for the last 5 years, since leaving
school at 18. He acquired his early skills from his father who
rode Western disciplines. Lukasz explains: “This stallion was
started at 2 years by Cira Baeck and then trained by Bernard and
Ann Fonck; in fact, Ann took him to the final of the 2017 NRHA
European Futurity Open. I got him when he was already trained
but I have been riding him now for 2 years and we have developed
a great feeling, especially in this last year.” Czechowicz was
Level 3 Champion at the NRHA Euro Futurity Open here in Cremona
last year on Katarzyna Roleska’s CSG Piggiemove and Level 3 Champion
at the Italian Futurity last December aboardCSG Copshot. Plans
for the future with this stallion? “To compete in the European
Derby in Germany in July, and then we’ll see.” Reserve Champion
at Level 4 was Gennaro Lendi riding Arc A Step Above, the son
of Walla Walla Whiz and Wimpys Little Chic owned by Anna Parodi.
The pair, Open Level 4 Champion at the 2018 Derby International
de Lyon and 2019 Open Shoot-In Reserve Champion, marked a 223.5
to secure their place on the podium.
2019 IRHA/NRHA Non Pro Derby
Thirty-nine duos in a Derby that, by and large, confirmed
the qualifier, with three of the four Non Pro Champions already
with a foot on the podium after the go-round at their respective
levels: at Level 4 Carlo Ambrosini with Gunnalittlestep, L3 Edoardo
Bernardelli and the talented gelding Whiz Wild West and L2 Wolfgang
Hammer and Mr Ricochet. The only “new entry” came from the performance
of pretty, young Franziska Wallner, the only lady rider among
the Champions, who advanced 12 positions from the qualifier with
Mai Tai Enterprise, adding 3 and a half points to her score to
take the Level 1 title.
At the end of the go-round, nineteen-year-old Ambrosini told us
that he had ridden Gunnalittlestep for the first time just the
day before... It sounded like a joke, instead it was completely
true. Indeed, blessed is the character of the Quarter Horses -
or at least of some of them: Gunnalittlestep who, by the way,
is only 4 years old, led him straight to victory almost without
knowing who was in the saddle: “My father had entered the Derby
himself on this horse but he could not be here when a work commitment
cropped up suddenly,” Carlo explains. “For me, it was a pure stroke
of luck! So, I want to thank my dad a lot, as well as Marco Pettinari
who deserves all the merit for preparing Gunnalittle so perfectly!”
A half point above his go-round performance brought the son of
Gunnatrashya and Gay Jays Little Step to the top spot. Ambrosini
describes him as “Really good and sincere; all I had to do was
make a confident start and he gave me his everything. This horse
may not produce +1, but he can achieve + ½ in all the manoeuvres,
and this is what it takes for a Non Pro”. Carlo admits he was
nervous as the final approached as the fact that he was “standing
in” for his dad, whom he greatly admires, added that extra responsibility:
“But I have learned that being decisive when you go through the
gate always pays,” he explains, and his approach worked as well
this time as it did throughout last year for the young rider from
Lombardy who in 2018 made it into the world Top 20 with over $
76,000 in lifetime earnings. Gunnalittlestep, previously third
at L3 and fourth at L4 at April's NRHA European Futurity between
the reins of Carlo’s father Pietro Paolo, was bred by Angelika
and Markus Gebert but was started and trained at Ambrosini QH
where he is managed by Pettinari (Rudi Kronsteiner also showed
him in 2018). When describing the few hours he had to get to know
this horse prior to entering the arena the first time Carlo is
sincere, saying he did not take an immediate liking to him. “You
have to leave him be, and let him “get on with it”, while I prefer
to be a little more incisive when I ride. But then I realized
that he is cool and reliable, and my confidence grew”. Now Gunnalittle
is headed for the 4-year-old Futurities and all the European Derbies.
A long road in which he will be accompanied by Carlo... “I’m going
to steal him... sorry Dad, say goodbye to your horse! My thanks
go to my mum, the Ambrosini Team, my girlfriend Francesca Bosoni
and my best friend Andrea Pedrotti who is always by my side when
20. Mai: Premiere des NRHA Global Youth Reining Cups auf dem Italian
Reining Horse Association Derby
Am 25. Mai 2019 wird im Rahmen des IRHA Derbys die Premiere des
NRHA Invitational Global Youth Reining Cup stattfinden. Jedes
NRHA Affiliate kann einen Jugendlichen im Alter von 12 - 18 Jahren
benennen, das für sein Land reitet, Dazu werden Reiter aus
19 Nationen im Wettbewerb erwartet: Argentinien, Australien, Österreich,
Belgien, Brasilien, Kanada, Frankreich, Großbritannien , Ungarn,
Israel, Italien, Mexiko, Niederlande, Paraguay, Polen, Spanien,
Thailand, Uruguay und die Vereinigten Staaten.
Heute wurden die Startlisten veröffentlicht, der Global Youth
Reining Cup findet ohne deutsche Beteiligung statt:
2018: Italiener hatten die Nase vorne - spannendes Derby Open
Finale in Cremona
Cremona. Am gestrigen
Samstag ging das italienische Derby mit einem spannenden Open
Finale zu Ende. Die ersten beiden Plätze gingen dabei nach
Italien und Belgien. Pierluigi Chioldo gewinnt mit „Saturdaynight
Mizzen“ im Besitze von Susanna Sodi und einem Score von
224 in Level Vier. Gennaro Lendi und „Sugar Little Step“
im Besitze von Quarter Dream SRL landen auf dem zweiten Platz,
den er sich jedoch mit Ciura Baeck auf „Gunstep“,
Besitzer CS Ranch Management, teilen muss. Beide erritten einen
Score von 222,5. Platz Acht war für ein deutsches Pferd bestimmt,
nämlich „Shiners Voo doo“ im Besitze von Kimberly
Wegner, geritten von Ann Fonck mit einem Score 217. Knapp dahinter
– auf dem zehnten Platz - landete Grischa Ludwig mit „Whiz
n Spook“ im Besitze von Margot van Doorne und einem Score
von 216,5. Auch in Level Drei hatten die Italiener die Nase vorn:
1.: Pierluigi Chioldo auf „Saturdaynigh Mizzen“ (Bes.:
Susanna Sodi), Score 224, 2.: Massimiliano Ruggeri, „Wimpy
Margarita“(Bes. Maurizio Ferrarol), Score: 220. 3.: Lorenzo
De Simone, „Smoking Dun It“ , (Bes.: Azienda Agricola
23 QH), Score 219,5.
Ein beachtenswerten sechsten Platz können Kim Obenhaus auf
GK Puro Pepp, im Besitze von Timo Aulbach, mit einem Score von
215,5 für sich beanspruchen. Platz 20 war Josefin Lintner
auf „Gunners Western Star“ (Anaais Gasser), Score
209 bestimmt. Der erste Platz in Level Zwei geht ebenfalls nach
Italien und zwar an Aldo Lorenzoni auf „Chica Little Step“
im Besitze von Claudio Zocchi, Score 216. Den zweiten Platz jedoch
kann sich Kim Obenhaus sichern mit GK Puro Pepp, im Besitze von
Timo Aulbach, mit einem Score von 215,5. Ebenso Platz 21 mit „SG
GunnerspecialWhiz“ (Bes. Gina de Pauw), Score 206. Platz
16 geht an Josefin Lintner und „Gunners Western Star“
(Anaais Gasser), Score 209, was zugleich Platz Acht in Level Eins
bedeutet. Und hier noch die drei Erstplatzieren in Level Eins:
1.: Massimo Villa mit „Hollywood Gun Kid“ (Bes.: Edoardo
Bernardelli), Score 213. 2.: Alicja Kula, „Shiner Whiz Olena“,
(Bes.: Katarzyna Roleska), Score, 212,5. 3.: Giovanni Zucchi auf
„San Olena Broc“ (Bes.: .: Giovanni Zucchi), Score:
211. Als Richter fungierten: Nicholas Baar, Juliane Rossner, Richard
Lemay, Lara Rina Maiocchi und Joe Hayes.
25. Mai: Tina Künstner-Mantl gewinnt das Non Pro-Finale
Mit einer 222 gewinnt
Tina Künstner-Mantl auf Mizzfire das italienische Non Pro
Derby 2018 und setzt sich damit gegen Gina Maria Schumacher durch,
die in Level 4 auf Xtra Step N Diamond (220,5), Wham Bam Gunner
Man (219) und Snip O Lution (217) die Plätze 2 bis 4 belegt.
22. Mai 2018: Deutsche
Reiningreiterinnen an der Spitze des Non Pro-Vorlaufs
In diesem Jahr wurde die erste Runde des IRHA / NRHA Non Pro Derbys
2018 in zwei Gruppen aufgeteilt, am Montag und am Morgen des Dienstags.
135 Paare gingen an den Start, davon 50 in Level 4, 72 in Level
3, 112 in 2 und 98 in Level 1.
Wie immer war auch die talentierte deutsche Reiningreiterin Gina
Maria Schumacher in hervorragender Verfassung, die ihre drei Pferde
in die Top 4 plazierte: Wham Bam Gunner Man (219,5), Xtra Step
N Diamonds (218,5) und Snip O-Lösung (217).

Größere Kartenansicht
Mehr dazu
2015: Gennaro
Lendi wird Open Derby Champion 2015 auf Marilyn Monwhoa
2014: Ann
Fonck-Poels und Bernard Fonck entscheiden im Doppelsieg das Open
Derby für sich
2013: Bernard
Fonck gewinnt auf Sail On Top Whizard
2012: Bernard
Fonck gewinnt auf Sail On Top Whizard
2011: Sylvia
Rzepka gewinnt Open Level 4-Finale, Nina Lill wird Dritte Level
1 Finale
2010: Nic Brunelli
gewinnt das Reining Derby 2010
2009: Rudi Kronsteiner und Stefano
Massignan sind Open Derby Co-Champions 2009
2008: Rudi Kronsteiner gewinnt
das italienische Derby mit einem Score von 236
2007: Nico Hörmann gewinnt
mit Dr Zip Nic das IRHA Derby in Italien
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