4 Spins hieß die Show, bei der es neben einer Open Lawson und einer
Non Pro Morrison rund 3.600 USD zu gewinnen gab, sieben Klassen wurden angeboten:
NRHA Open, NRHA Intermediate Open, NRHA Non Pro, NRHA Youth 14-18, NRHA Youth
13 & under, NRHA Snaffle Bit Hackamore Open und NRHA Rookie. Die
Ergebnisse im Überblick Alle
Bilder aus Polen Der
Bericht vom Turnier von Michal Pec ROLESKI
4 SPINS 2007 - a new page in Polish reining history!
Spectators gathered
in Stare Zukowice were watching the history of Polish reining in the making. Roleski
4 Spins was by far the biggest reining show in Poland ever. The first ever NRHA
approved show in our country attracted many local and foreign riders and also
drew a lot of attention from medias. Six
months of preparations by the Polish Reining Horse Association, Roleski Ranch
and Roleski Company resulted in the biggest reining event on Polish soil. There
was 4600 USD added money, two Lawson Bronze Trophies, a trophy Saddle offered
by Frinta Saddlery and additional prizes sponsored by Equi Store. 
Early in the morning the bar was placed high as Clint Ramsey (USA) guided BRS
Freckles Payday to a score of 143, showing fast spins, long stops and good speed
control. But it wasn't enough to win the NRHA Intermediate Open. Dennis Schulz
(AUT) astride Ninjajac Hollywood earned a score of 144 and the Int. Open Champion
title. With his second horse, Roosters Hot Piq, Clint Ramsey finished third, scoring
141,5. The highest ranked Polish rider was Wojciech Adamczyk on Miles O Rima,
who tied for fourth place with Hynek Fister (CZE), riding Conquistador Dun Me.
There was 7 horse and
riders combinations nominated to the NRHA Rookie. The highest score was posted
by Ondrej Slamjak (CZE), who guided Smart Little Joker to a score of 137,5. Adrian
Motyka riding Miles O Rima was only one half point behind them. The third place
honours went to Katarzyna Szymanska aboard Genesis Number Five. Two
riders dominated the NRHA Snaffle Bit/Hackamore Open, giving no chances to other
competitors. Clint Ramsey earned a score of 143, riding a 4-year-old mare Wishin
Smart and Hynek Fister (CZE) was second with a score of 140, aboard Fives Rooster.
Marketa Kusova from Czech Rep. was cheered by the crowd for her very fast run
with Chexs Golden Shoot. She earned her a first place in NRHA Youth 14-18, with
an impressive advantage over Ema Lupacova (CZE) and Katarzyna Szumanska (POL).
Kusova did an even better
run in NRHA Non Pro, scoring 139 and earning a respectable third place with a
prize money of 400 USD. The Reserve Champion title went to Matthias Borrack (GER)
aboard FF Play My CD. The score of 139,5 earned them 700 USD. The best run in
Non Pro was made by Bianca Reindl from Austria. Riding Bakony Red, Bianca showed
nice sets of spins, very good speed control and correct stops. With a score of
142 they won the first ever Lawson Bronze Trophy awarded in Poland and a paycheck
of 900 USD. There was
19 horse and rider combinations nominated for the Lawson Bronze Trophy Open, representing
Austria, Czech Rep., Germany, Poland and Slovakia. They crowd was curious if Clint
Ramsey will manage to bring all of his three mounts to first three places. But
it was mission impossible, as Dennis Schulz once again posted the highest score
with Ninjajac Hollywood. A very good performance earned him a score of 144,5,
his ninth bronze trophy in the career and the custom saddle offered by Frinta
Saddlery from Czech Rep. Ramsey finished second with BRS Freckles Payday, scoring
a 142. Just one half point behind him was Klara Salkova (CZE) on Smart Little
Joker, showing smooth spins and long stops. The score of 141,5 is even more impressive
if we consider the fact, that she was riding the 5-year-old stallion for the first
time since October. With her second horse, Brooks Legacy, Klara tied for fourth
place with the best Polish rider, Aleksander Jarmula on Blue Eyechic BB. Roleski
4 Spins certainly marks a new page in the history of Polish reining. The show
drew a lot of attention from newspapers, radio stations and gathered a really
large crowd of spectators. One of the biggest Polish TV channel is preparing a
coverage from the show, featuring interviews with Dennis Schulz, Bianca Reindl,
Clint Ramsey and Wojciech Adamczyk. All the riders emphasized on the good ground
and a very smooth organization of the event.
Die Richter sind zwei Deutsche, Jürgen Baron von
Bistram und Jörg Bös. Von Bistram ist einer der wenigen europäischenRichter,
die sowohl die AQHA- wie NRHA-Karte besitzen. Er ist in ganz Europa als Richter
tätig und fungiert darüber hinaus auch als Showmanager z.B. für
die European Quarter Horse Championship in Kreuth oder die DQHA West Futurity
in Alsfeld.
Jörg Bös
ist seit über 25 Jahren NRHA International Judge und seit 2000 his NRHA of
USA Continental Judge. Zu seinen großen Arbeitsplätzen gehörten
u.u. die Breeders Futurity in Kreuth, Americana, Super Slide, Celadna Ride & Slide,
World Reining Trophy, L.E. Grand Open und das Osterturnier in Mooslargue. Gesponsort
wird das Turnier u.a. von der
Frinta Saddlery aus Tschechin, ein spezieller KK
Reiner III-Sattel im Wert von 1,500 EUR wird ausgelobt. Die
Anlage Roleski Ranch ist der größte Westernreitbetrieb in Polen. 60
Boxen, eine 30 x 80 m mit Platz für 800 Zuschauer und ein 40 x 50m-Außenplatz
wurden 2005 gebaut. Ausserdem können die Betreiber einen überdachten Roundpen,
großzügige Weiden, Restaurant mit Bowlingbahn, eine Golf Driving Ranch, Quad Trails,
Segway® Benutzung, Swimming Pool und Kindergarten anbieten. 
ist Lebensmittelfabrikant Marek Roleski, einen
ersten Eindruck bekommen Sie hier von der Anlage. Um die Bodenverhältnisse
kümmert sich der weltweit anerkannte und gefragte Spezialist Bob Kiser von
Kiser Arena Specialists (USA). Mehr
Informationen Das Nennformular Mehr
Informationen gibt es unter, and
Fragen? Die 17 helfen gerne weiter,
z.B. Nico Hörmann, Grischa Ludwig oder Daniel Klein für den Bereich Reining.
gelangen Sie hier.