Sunday the show will start at 07h30 with the classes of the NRHA of France,
followed by AFEW classes (Western Pleasure, Western Horsemanship and Trail).
At the end of the day the show will be in the 'sign' or reining again :
classes NRHA USA and AFEW.
Money and points at this show count for national and international
associations. In every class trophees, ribbons and material is offered. In
NRHA France their is 500 euro added money, special trophees and ribbons. In
NRHA USA 500 dollars added money, plaques and ribbons are offered. The NRHA
USA classes count for the European Affiliate Championship 2006.
For more information: Western Club de Marminiac : 0033 565 216762,
westernclubdemarminiac@hotmail.com, www.lepetitplessis.com