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Dopingfälle: Madame Machine und Wisely Victourios werden die EM-Titel entzogen
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Wie die FEQHA heute mitteilt, wurden bei zwei Pferden im Rahmen der Dopingtests unerlaubte Substanzen gefunden.
Daher werden den Quarter Horses "Madame Machine" und "Wisely Victorious" die auf der Europameisterschaft erzielten Titel aberkannt:

Madame Machine

Gold Junior Western Pleasure Open, vorgestellt von Mark Shaffer, im Besitz von Gerald & Susa Göschl
Gold Western Pleasure Youth 14-18
Das Pferd gewann in dieser Saison u.a. die Pleasure Celebration Amateur und die DQHA Western Pleasure Futurity.
Mark Shaffer erhielt in der aktuellen Ausgabe der cavallo die "Mistgabel des Monats" für seine in einem Video demonstrierten Trainingsmethoden (mehr dazu hier).
Das Pferd gewann in der Saison bereits die Classic Fences Pleasure Celebration Amateur Pleasure in Kreuth.

Wisely Victorious
U.a. Platz 4 Jr. W. Pleasure, geritten von Matteo Sala, im Besitz von Sibyl von der Schulenburg

Über weitere Maßnahmen, wie z.B. eine Sperre o.ä., gibt die FEQHA keine weitere Auskunft.
Auch auf der DQHA Q12 gibt es einen positiven Dopingtest, Madame Machine wurden alle DQHA-Titel aberkannt (mehr dazu hier.

Alle Infos zur QH-EM 2012 finden Sie auf w!.com hier!

16. Januar 2013: Sibyl von der Schulenburg (Wisely Victorious) nimmt zum FEQHA-Statement Stellung

Referring to FEQHA statement:

“(...)and AQHA has been asked to cancel the potential AQHA points earned at this particular show.”
I would like to outline the fact that AQHA rulebook is considering (art. 103 e) ) the possibility “to give reciprocal effect to the disciplinary action of the Executive Committee or other governing committee of a recognized international association” but the question is concerning the violation of AQHA rules, not those of the Int’l association.

This means that, to have the show points recognized by AQHA, the exhibitor has to comply with the AQHA rules which include the “governmental regulations” where specifically referred to. AQHA rules regulate the maximum permitted plasma concentration of certain medications and drugs. Unless there is a German governmental law that regulate this issue in a different manner, the AQHA rulebook is applicable at AQHA approved shows. The European Championship is regulated by a different Association with different rules, they determine the European Champion using the results of the AQHA approved classes. They certainly can decide to use their own rules with reference to the requirements of the potential champions (eg. Zero medication in the plasma) but they cannot change the rules applied to the AQHA classes, the only ones we have that are clear and fair, those that regulate, and assure, the award of the show points.

Sibyl von der Schulenburg

11. Januar 2013:
FEQHA verhängt keine Sperren oder weiteren Konsequenzen

Poul Haukrog Møller,
Vertreter der FEQHA, teilt nun mit, daß die FEQHA keine weiteren Sanktionen oder Sperren verhängen wird.
Mehr dazu hier.

Lesen Sie dazu auch:
Unerlaubte Medikation: Bleiben die Vorfälle auf der Quarter Horse-Europameisterschaft und der DQHA Futurity ohne weitere Folgen?

9. Januar 2013: Ist Wisely Victorious von Fremden gedopt worden?

Im Dopingfall "Wisely Victorious", die positiv auf den Wirkstoff "Flunixin" getestet wurde, ein Schmerzmittel und Entzündungshemmer, erheben jetzt Besitzer Sibyl von der Schulenburg und Reiter Matteo Sala schwere Vorwürfe gegen das Showmanagement der Europameisterschaft und den Verband FEQHA.
In einem neuen Statement berichten sie von Hinweisen eines Zeugen, der gesehen haben will, wie sich Fremde an der Futterkrippe des Pferdes zu schaffen gemacht haben sollen. Das Showmanagement, das umgehend darüber informiert worden sein soll, habe aber nicht darauf reagiert.

Zudem beanstanden sie die fehlenden formalen Grundlagen der Dopingtests seitens der FEQHA, die in der Ausschreibung nur als "Anlehnung an die Regeln der FEI" beschrieben werden. Und, ähnlich wie bereits im Fall "Madame Machine", kritisieren sie die ungewöhnlich lange Wartezeit zwischen dem Vorliegen der Testergebnisse (25. September 2012) und der Information an die Besitzer (03. November 2012).

Hier die beiden Statements im Original:

1. Sibyl von der Schulenburg

Dear Wittelsbuerger reader,

These days people is calling me to know more about the doping case in which my mare Wisely Victorious has been involved. I also noticed that someone is worried Matteo could avoid punishment. I am impressed by such a sense of justice.
For the above-mentioned reasons, I am here to explain what happened.
When I am saying we have been victims of a boycott, I do not mean we have been persecuted by the FEQHA doping commission (which, to my knowledge, actually does not exist) but I refer to what seems to be more and more common in the English-riding competitions: people do administer prohibited substances to the horses of competitors. Sometimes a little chocolate is enough to get a positive test result.

This is what I told FEQHA:
The morning of August 16,2012, in Kreuth, during the EC, Matteo Sala has been contacted by a person who told him, he/she witnessed a person who put something in the manger of my mare, late in the night.
Matteo Sala promptly informed the show management who said they could not do anything. We discussed internally the possibility the horse had been given some illegal substance and concluded there was noting we could do to protect ourselves. I was thinking of going to the police for a submission of complaints but then I dropped the idea because I knew that could have led to a lot of trouble to the whole organization since the laws against animal abuse are very strict in Germany. Thus we talked to a veterinary on the show ground and asked her to take a blood sample.
The day after, my mare went the Junior Western Pleasure class. She seemed to be sound when she came out of her stall and in the warm-up area too, while during the class we noticed she was sore, thus I decided I would not go the following class, which should have been the Amateur Select Western Pleasure. The mare ended up to be placed way behind her potential because of her soreness (a judge told me so) and became fourth in the Championship placement.
Since we never gave any Flunixin to Wisely Victorious, the substance was either in the stall when she arrived or someone gave it to her on purpose.

I am glad these doping cases will at least serve as ego pampers, making someone feel so good and stainless. But please consider that you can be the next to get caught in the net.

Sibyl von der Schulenburg

2. Statement from Matteo Sala regarding doping test of Wisely Vitorious

Following the investigation, I can confirm that our vet administered the triamcinolone on the 31/07, but nobody of the team gave the horse Flunixin. The horse was in fact sore during the class, while it looked to be sound in the worm up arena, this is the reason she has been placed 4th only.
Do you really believe we would have given her enough Flunixin to be tested positive but not enough to stop going lame?
The quantity of flunixin to make a horse stop being lame would be a lot higher than the one found in the blood of the horse.
Different studies show that the quantity of Flumixin that has been found in Wisely Victorious , can be a drug ambient contamination . The substance can be present in the shaving or in the manger of the stall if those were not disinfected prior the arrival of the horses.( note: Required by the FEI Rules that supposedly are regulating the European championship of quarter horses)

The option at this point are two:
1) Someone gave the Flunixin to the horse. ( as we have reported from Sybil von der Schulemburg statement)
2) The Flunixin was already in the shavings or in the manger prior the arrival of the horse
You just have to pick one…

I would like to clarify that I’m not trying to justify myself. The horse has been tested positive and, as a rider and trainer, I will accept the consequences of this situation.

If I see the whole story from another point of view, I have to conclude that this doping system is neither clear nor safe.
The intention of this statement is to make you consider the possibility, next year, same thing might happen to you.
Here are a few questions to which all of you may try to give answers as of today i have not been lucky enough to get, not even one, from FEQHA directly.

- Where are the rules and regulation of FEQHA ?
- Which system has been used for the withdrawal of doping?
- Why there is not a CLEAR and published rule book that rules the European championship of quarter horse and the doping test instead of just referring to FEI rules and change them when it’s useful?
- Based on which rules is FEQHA allowed to publish the name of horses tested positive?
- Why have we been informed about the positive doping test only on November 3rd , while the test result had been given from laboratory to FEQHA on the 25th of September?
- Do you think you know the doping rules and regulations governing European championship of quarter horse?
- Are you so sure you are not going to be tested positive even so you don’t give any prohibited substance?
- How can an Owner-Exhibitor-Trainer be sure of the suspension time of any medicament your horse might need ? or the combination of more than one substance in order to be on the safe side and not risking to be tested positive?

The last question I have is actually the most important up to me:

- Is your horse safe on the show ground?

There are still a lot of questions that need to get answers, hopefully before the next show season start, because as a Horseman that invested the last 20 years of his life with this amazing friends , I don’t really feel like to suggest any of my customers to keep on showing under those conditions. For the health of their horses.

Matteo Sala

26. Dezember 2012: Statement von Matteo Sala und Sibyl von der Schulenburg

Wisely Victorious has been found positive for:


- Flunixin: about 9ng/mL
- Triamcinolon Acetonid: about 120pg/mL

While we did not administer any Flunixin for at least one year , we administered Triamcinolon Acetonid 18 days before. FEI indicates in 7 days the maximum time this substance is detected in the horse’s blood. FEQHA said the Triamcinolon Acetonid positive test result had been “added” just because the test was positive on Flunixin too. We do not understand this policy but we have to accept it.
We would like to point out that the AQHA rulebook allows plasma concentration of Flunixin 1.0 microgram per milliliter. The quantity found in Wisely Victorious is in the nanogram range while the Triamcinolon Acetonid is in the picogram range, a quantity you might find even after 60 days or longer.

Referring to the Flunixin, we have enough facts to say that we have been victims of a boycott but, about this, we will say more at a later date since investigations are still in progress.

Matteo Sala
Sibyl von der Schulenburg

Update 23. Dezember 2012: Statement von Mark Shaffer
Public Relations Statement from Mark Shaffer Show Horses Regarding positive test for "Surpass" at the AQHA European Championships 2012.

On Oct 31st I was notified by email that Madame Machine had a positive test from the 14 - 18 Youth Western Pleasure for the Topical Linament "Surpass". This ointment was applied 10 days prior to the finals which means it would have had no affect on Madame Machine's performance. The reason the surpass was applied was to help Madame Machine recover from the long hauling trip from Austria. The standard allowance for Surpass in America is 12 hours out of testing. Madame Machine has been disqualified from her Gold Medal Championships in Youth Western Pleasure and Jr Western Pleasure, however, it should be noted that she did NOT test positive for the Jr Western Pleasure finals.

If there are any questions or concerns about this matter, please feel free to contact me via email @ msha102870@aol.com

Thank you
Mark Shaffer

"Surpass" enthält Diclofenac, ein Analgetika, der bei leichten bis mittleren Schmerzen und Entzündungen eingesetzt wird, beispielsweise bei Rheuma, Prellungen, Zerrungen und Arthrose.
Beim Pferd ist Diclofenac bei einer 4-fachen Überdosierung maximal 72 Stunden nachweisbar im Plasma. Die Nachweiszeiten im Urin beträgt je nach Nachweismethode 3 - 7 Tage.

Diclofenac/ Surpass wurde erst 2005 von der AQHA als erlaubte Medikation anerkannt - mehr dazu hier.
In FN Anti-Doping- und Medikamentenkontrollregeln für den Pferdesport – ADMR – zählt dieser Wirkstoff zu den verbotenen Substanzen – unerlaubte Medikation (im Wettkampf verboten).

Fragen? Die 20 wittelsbuerger.com-Experten helfen gerne weiter,
z.B. Pat Faitz, Sylvia Katschker und Sylvia Jäckle für den Bereich AQHA.
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