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Dutch Championship Quarter Horses 2004 & Colorful Fall Show 2004
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Again there will be the Dutch Championship for the Quarter Horses in Bunschoten. The organisation of this DC is, like last year, in the hands of the Stichting Western Riding Nederland (SWRN) for the NQHA (Nederlandse Quarter Horse Association). On the beautiful location Stal Groenendaal will be double pointed classes held from 17-19 October. These will be judged by Mike Perkins and Kenny Hall from the USA. An extension of the DC of last year are the cowclasses on the Friday evening; the Open and Amateur Working Cowhorse, Cutting and Team Penning. For a small payment of € 5,- visitors can enjoy the cattlework. The entrance during the rest of the DC is for free. Saturday is all about Halter, Futurity (with € 10.000,- added Money) and SSA. As extra Pleasure Drivers have the chance to give a judged demonstration. Also for the first time held on the DC are the Open and Amateur Barrel Racing.
A program and enrolment form can be found on www.nqha.nl.


Normally everything will be cleared after the show, but this time we make an exception. The next weekend, 23-24 October, the location is used for the Colorful Fall Show 2004. the spots will dance for your eyes, because the Painted Horses, American Appaloosa’s and Breedingstocks are all represented on this common show. Because the Quarters and the three other races use the location on this way, the SWRN is able to make the DC more attractive for competitors. During the Colorful Fall Show the American Appaloosa and Paint Futurity & SSA will also be held. The following day are, next to the approved classes, also beginners classes being held which gives everybody the chance to show their horse in an non-approved class. These classes are not tight to age and/or membership of the APHA/ApHC. The younger riders and horses are able to start their carrier in the Lead Line, In Hand Trail and Fool’m School’m. On www.swrn.nl the program is standing along with the enrolment forms and the latest news.

On the new tribune 850 men can take place and enjoy the show in the arena of 60 by 30 meters. On these two weekends the shopping village will be filled with diverse stands. The outside terrain will also be used optimally by the boxes and camp terrain. So a cosy affair overall.

Questions about these two shows can be send to nk2004@swrn.nl.
Every Friday the secretary will be reachable on +31 (0) 653.11.88.25.


Quelle NQHA

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Letztes Update dieser Seite: 03/17/2016 15:30:34

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